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Avoiding Conflicts by Setting Clear Expectations

Three people at a table looking over documents

The GreenSky® Program is all about helping contractors grow their Businesses and delight their Customers. In the real world, however, delighting your Customers can sometimes be a challenge. 

Communication is the key to help avoid conflicts with Customers. Clearly communicating throughout the sales process - including timing for each stage of the project, the terms of financing you are promoting, and the details of each transaction you process through the GreenSky® Program (including the timing and amounts). During any project, set clear and realistic expectations at the beginning and overcommunicate throughout to avoid surprises and complaints.

Here are ways to limit surprises and create a positive relationship with your Customers: 

Begin by listening. Have a conversation, not just a presentation. It’s the best way to fully understand your client’s needs and concerns, so you can act as a consultant, not a salesperson. Keep in mind the idea of under-promising and over-delivering, not the other way around. 

Talk about the budget, payment terms and financing early in your initial meeting. Focus on affordability, based on their financial requirements and the payment options available. Stress the value of your work and your desire to ensure they are delighted with the outcome. Do not discriminate against Customers, including steering certain Customers to less attractive financing options based on their personal characteristics, such as race, religions, national origin, gender, etc.

You can head off potential conflicts over the project costs by providing a written estimate and updating the estimate as the project scope changes. Be sure your project contract clearly describes the scope, length, and cost of the project and outlines how and when the Customer is expected to make payments. Go over the document in detail and discuss any issues that appear to be causing concern. Provide your Customer with written information about any changes to the project, including the timing and amounts of payments. Above all, be transparent.  

As you begin the project, determine how – and how often – you and the client will communicate. While it is appropriate to set limits on your availability and to allow your Customer to do the same (no one wants an update call at 2 a.m.). you should be available to your Customer for questions and concerns. You should also promptly return calls and emails. The goal is to create a high level of respect for each other and act in a professional manner. 

For longer projects, provide weekly updates and review the status of products as they are delivered. This not only keeps your Customer informed, but it also assures them you are closely monitoring the progress of the project and doing your best to meet their expectations. 

To remind your Customers about how your company works, consider creating a leave-behind document that briefly covers items such as response times, preferred communication methods, payment terms, etc. Begin creating this document by thinking about the problems  previous Customers have raised or that you have had as a Customer. 

The key elements in each of these suggestions are honesty and transparency. You’ll find that an honest, transparent conversation early in the relationship and regular updates to that conversation will limit surprises and arguments down the road.